Understanding Objective Idealism: An introduction

In this series I will be writing a series of blog post that is intended on educating a layman audience of what objective idealism is in philosophy of mind. Instead of a series of defending objective idealism or proving objective idealism or providing a case for objective idealism it will be on understanding objective idealism. The reason for this series is so that everyone can have a good understanding of objective idealism so they don’t make straw man arguments against it. One common misconception is that idealism automatically means solipsism. That is a complete misrepresentation of what objective idealism is since solipsism is the extreme skeptical form of idealism and idealism itself is broken off into many different branches so idealism doesn’t just include solipsism but it includes other forms like subjective idealism, and transcendental idealism. In this series we will be focusing on objective idealism and how it relates to God and the universe. The series will include the following

Understanding Objective idealism: (Part 1) Philosophy of mind

Understanding Objective idealism: (Part 2) Quantum mechanics

Understanding Objective idealism: (Part 3) Quantum gravity and the simulated universe

Understanding Objective idealism: (Part 4) Integrated information theory and quantum cognition

Understanding Objective idealism: (Part 5) Our minds and Neoplatinism

Understanding Objective idealism: (Part 6) Inner space vs outer space

Understanding Objective idealism: (Part 7) The mind of God

Understanding Objective idealism: (Part 8) Existence vs non-existence

Understanding Objective idealism: (Part 9) Refuting common objections

Understanding Objective idealism: (Part 10) Final thoughts, summary and conclusion

This is what will be in this series and I hope that it can make sense to a layman audience on this subject. The main goal of the series is to accurately represent what objective idealism is and show the evidence that supports it while also cleaning out misconceptions about it. We will go more into detail on the next blog post of this series but this post was just an introduction into the series. In (Part 1) I will be defining objective idealism and other positions on philosophy of mind and showing the problems that other philosophies face like the hard problem of consciousness in materialism and the interaction problem in substance dualism and basically providing the foundation for what the rest of the series will be about.

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