Understanding objective idealism:(Part 4) Integrated information theory and quantum cognition

Note to readers: The author no longer believes integrated information theory to be a viable model of consciousness

Since we have shown how quantum gravity necessarily leads to objective idealism and the simulated universe we are going to move on from physics and go into cognitive science. Currently the most successful model of consciousness is called integrated information theory (IIT). This theory is based on what subjective experience is like and how consciousness reduces to integrated information. This theory doesn’t tell us about the nature of the mind so it is compatible with all positions in philosophy of mind such as materialism, substance dualism and neutral monism. However it is pointed that according to (IIT) quantum entanglement and integrated information are informationally one. http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/full/10.2307/25470707

This is due to the fact that entangled information is always integrated. If (IIT) is true then the entangled information that spacetime emerges from is in fact consciousness itself. And we know from physics that spacetime emerges from entangled information http://www.preposterousuniverse.com/blog/2015/05/05/does-spacetime-emerge-from-quantum-information/

Now (IIT) applies to information in general and not just entangled information we would need something else to show how there is quantum cognition in the brain. And if fact we do have a field its called quantum cognition and quantum biology. Now a popular objection to quantum cognition and quantum mind theory is that the brain is too warm and wet for quantum computation to occur however these objections are invalid. First the objection is based on a miscalculation assuming the superposition needed to be much larger than what quantum cognition and quantum mind theory predicted Miscalculated size 24 nano-meters. Second there was hydrophobic areas that excluded water so there is no interference and third this is challenged by how quantum coherence has been experimentally confirmed in biological organisms. https://www.quantumlah.org/media/thesis/CQT_120507_Elisabeth.pdf http://www.nature.com/news/2011/110615/full/474272a.html https://phys.org/news/2014-06-quantum-biology-algae-evolved-coherence.html https://arxiv.org/abs/1006.4053

There is much evidence that microtubules are quantum system and exist in the brain http://journals.sfu.ca/jnonlocality/public/journals/1/PREPRINTS/microtubulesqcoh.pdf https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1505/1505.00774.pdf

So we have evidence for quantum biology and quantum cognition. Now materialist will get around this by saying that the brain is only being modeled quantum and not necessarily actually quantum. And so in reality the brain is really classical and not quantum we just have to model it quantum since classical models of cognition don’t work. Well I’m going to show why this simply cannot be the case and saying the brain is only modeled quantum and not actually quantum is as ridiculous as saying the earth is modeled a globe and not actually a globe.

  1. The Qubit unpacking problem: If your going to say the brain is behaving as a quantum system but not actually a quantum system then you would have to unpack all the superposition’s in cognition into classical positions and this would eat up processing power to where our brains wouldn’t be able to work. Well we know the brain works and so if the brain acts quantum then it must be quantum
  2. Explanatory parsimony: There is no good reason to say there is some unknown mechanism that behaves quantum mechanically but isn’t actually quantum when we already have a quantum mechanical mechanism that exist (Wave function collapse)
  3. IIT and binding: We have IIT and the binding problem. According to IIT entangled information is integrated information we already talked about this before so I’m not going to go into detail. Next we have the binding problem where there is no place in the brain that combines the color and shape of an object and any classical solution to this problem will fail since classical systems are disassembled into separate pieces so the only way to solve the binding problem would be entangled information being integrated into an object with both its color and shape.
  4. The observer effect: We have shown how the conscious observer is already quantum mechanical and is needed to collapse the wave function. Now of course materialist will object that there are other interpretations however we have already completely refuted that argument in (Part 2) and (Part 3) of this series since realist interpretations cannot account for the evidence from quantum gravity and are riddled with other problems that rule them out. So appealing to other interpretations will not work.
  5. The Cartesian requirement: Like we have shown before space-time is emergent and thus is an illusion so the mind cannot be in space-time since then it would also be an illusion. But if you say the mind is an illusion then all knowledge is destroyed. So then the “I” is outside space-time and non-local. So then quantum cognition is also non-local.
  6. Non-spatial platonic forms: If quantum cognition is modeling our thoughts as entangled information and if entangled information is outside space-time then our thoughts are also outside space-time. Now of course materialist will argue that we can map out our thoughts by studying blood flow in the brain however those only show correlations of thoughts and not the actual thoughts. Another objection materialist will use is that in computers we can see pictures and so those are the computers thoughts and thus our thoughts are also in space-time however computers are not conscious and are really P-zombies and only have the storage of memories and not consciously aware of there own thoughts but we have memories in our brains but the memories can break off into quantum entanglement into the non-local mind. And it turns out quantum entanglement is what holds our memories together and since entanglement is outside space-time then our thoughts and memories are also outside space-time. This is how the binding problem is solved https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn18371-brain-entanglement-could-explain-memories/

So when all is said and done there is no reason to say quantum cognition is not literally quantum and in fact it would have to be quantum. This concludes that our thoughts and minds are located outside of space-time and not bound by it. In the next part of this series (Part 5) I will explain in more detail how our minds relate to Neoplatonism and we may be explaining how free will works. I want to again thank Johanan Raatz and Inspiring philosophy for there commitment in this subject and the videos they have done much of there material was included in this series.

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