The top 5 materialist fallacies

Here I am going to lost the top 5 fallacies that materialist make whenever they try to argue that materialism is true. These include times when they try to argue the mind emerges from the brain or how the feeling of pain proves material reality. I will list the names of these fallacies and show examples of when materialist use them

Fallacy #5. The straw man fallacy: is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent’s argument, while refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent

Example: If you don’t believe the world is material and real then you are hold to solipsism

Explanation: Materialist often commit this fallacy when idealist argue that reality is mind-dependent and so they automatically assume we are arguing for solipsism even tho we dont hold to solipsism at all.

Fallacy #4: Post-hoc fallacy: literally, “after this therefore because of this.” The post hoc fallacy is committed when it is assumed that because one thing occurred after another, it must have occurred as a result of it.

Example: The mind emerges from the brain because if you damage the brain then you damage the mind

Explanation: Materialist say that if we damage the brain then we also damage the mind and that we can show how our thoughts are mapped out in the brain and therefore the mind is automatically a product of the brain. The reason why this is a fallacy is because the mapping out of thoughts or dreams only show correlations of mind and brain and not causation of brain to mind.

Fallacy #3: Non-sequitur fallacy: When the conclusion does not follow from the premises.  In more informal reasoning, it can be when what is presented as evidence or reason is irrelevant or adds very little support to the conclusion. 

Example: We have shown the mind emerges from the brain through fMRI scans able to see what we are thinking and experiencing and the connection of neurons producing consciousness so the mind is a product of the brain  

Explanation: This fallacy is often committed by materialist when they produce a model of the brain. The reason why its a fallacy is because there is is some logical error in the model and doesn’t solve the hard problem of consciousness so they ignore the hard problem and go by there model or whenever they attempt to solve the hard problem some illogical conclusion or premise is in the argument that does not follow from the premises or one of the premises are false.

One example of a non-sequitur argument

P1) The mind and brain exist

P2) The brain is a physical substance

P3) Qualia is reduced to physical substance

P4) The mind has qualia

C) Therefore the mind is reduced to the brain

The non-sequitur is when P3 says that qualia can be reduced to physical substance even tho we know it can never be reduced to physical substance.

Fallacy #2: Appeal to ridicule fallacy: Presenting the argument in such a way that makes the argument look ridiculous, usually by misrepresenting the argument or the use of exaggeration.

Example: Quantum idealism is quantum woo

Explanation: This is the materialist favorite fallacy. The reason its an appeal to ridicule is because it’s not an argument against idealism it’s just ridiculing idealism and not actually refuting it with a logical argument.

Fallacy #1: Bare assertion fallacy: is an assertion without proof; or a dogmatic expression of opinion.

Example: The mind is what the brain does

Explanation: This is the most common fallacy commit by all materialist since they provide no evidence or proof for their assertion that the mind is what the brain does. The reason why its a fallacy is because they are unable to prove he mind is what the brain does since neuroscience can only show correlations between mind and brain and not showing the mind is what the brain does in a way that solves the hard problem of consciousness.

So those are the top 5 fallacies materialist commit whenever they try to argue materialism is valid.




4 thoughts on “The top 5 materialist fallacies

  1. Then the anaesthesia also is fallacy… as it can paralyze your mind and your awareness.
    -then the electricity is fallacy …. as I can’t see it.
    -the gravity is also fallacy.
    And so on…. also the words also fallacy as I can’t take image for it by MRI ….
    Materialism has two faces…. what is seen and what is not seen bit material
    Like electrical charges and gravity
    It doesn’t mean that they are not material
    They are material but invisible or untouchable.
    But the all are material
    Mind is also material as a part result from activities in the brain….
    Words also energy …. excreted from activities
    And so on
    Sorry I disagree with your point
    For example when you put gas in your car ( material substances) …. after awhile it disappears as it turned to energy which is material.
    As you can’t take image to the energy by x-ray for example doesn’t mean that it’s spiritual
    But there is another measurement can help you in measuring it but not the -_-ray
    The same way in the mind …. not measured by MRI but can measured by another tests.


    • All the things you mentioned are material however your comment demonstrates my original point that when materialist try to connect the brain to mind they always rely on correlations and that doesn’t prove the mind is emergent from the brain. I recommend you look into the hard problem of consciousness since it demonstrates that any materialist model of the mind is a non-sequitur or a bare assertion. Which is the original point of this blog


    • 1. Falsify quantum entanglement and prove local realism true
      2. Show how Qualia is the same identity as mind-independent matter that exist objectively in the world
      3. Show how our mental perceptions can logically relate to a world that is purely material and how we can study this material world with mental perceptions
      4. Falsify emergent space-time and prove that space and time are fundamentally real and not emergent from quantum information
      5. Finally show how first principles in foundationalist epistemology are not referring to objects with mental ontology.

      Those are the main 5 things. Good luck and I will soon write a blog on how to convert me to materialism


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