The infinite simulation argument for the existence of God.

I am going to present an argument for the existence of God that is brand new and I believe a lot of theistic idealist will like it a lot. It argues that Gods existence is virtually inevitable and that theism must be true. Here is the argument then I will address possible objections to the argument.

Nick bostrom simulation argument shows that simulated universe outnumber real universes and how its more likely we live in a simulated universe. Now its also true that the more advanced civilization the more simulations it can run. So if we are simulated in a computer its more likely that we are in one of the more advanced civilizations. The most advanced civilization possible would be a type 5 or type 6 simulation. But Gods mind is more advanced than the most advanced civilization so we can make a new argument for God. 

The infinite simulation argument

P1) Simulated universes outnumber real universes

P2) We are more likely in a simulated universe (1)

P3) The more advanced a civilization the more simulations it can run

C1: Therefore we are more likely being simulated in one of the most advanced civilizations (1),(2),(3)

P4) God is more advanced than the most advanced civilization (Because of Gods omnipotence) 

C2: Therefore we are most likely being simulated in Gods mind

Just to put this into perspective which is most likely out of these

a) Existing in the real world in 2017

b) Existing in one of the half dozen simulations of 2020

c) Existing in one of the 10,000,000 simulations of 2040

d) Existing in one of the 20,000,000,000 simulations of 2090

e) Existing in one of the 100,000,000,000,000 simulations of 2100

f) Existing in one of the 200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 simulations of 2500

g) Existing in one of the Centillion simulations of 3000

h) Existing in one of the infinite simulations in Gods mind

The most likely (and inevitable because of Gods ability to simulate an infinite amount of simulated universes) is option H that we are being simulated in the mind of God. This renders Gods existence as virtually inevitable and making materialism,dualism and atheism virtually impossible. Thus the conclusion is virtually impossible to escape we are in Gods mind and our universe is the result of Gods day dreaming meaning that objective idealism must be true. Now I will respond to some possible objections that might be made against the infinite simulation argument. 

Responding to possible objections 

Objection 1: There can be simulations inside computers so then you don’t need God to simulate universes. 

Response: It is true that you wouldn’t necessarily need God to simulate universes however there is a problem with saying we are being simulated in a computer rather than Gods mind. If we are being simulated by a computer than the universe where the computer is in would also have to be a simulation like ours. Why? Because our world is based on Qubits (quantum world) and so in order for a computer to simulate a world like ours the computer would also be based on Qubits (quantum world) which implies that the computer simulating our world would itself be a simulation and so on and so on so and this cycle would continue in an infinite regress. But what if one of the higher levels was not a world based on Qubits (not a quantum world) but an actual objective material world with mind-independent matter (or Matter not being simulated). Well this solution creates more problems than it solves since for a quantum world like ours with Qubits to be simulated in a mind-independent world (Materialist/Dualist world) all the Qubits in our simulated universe would have to be unpacked into classical bits which requires a computer hard drive larger than what is being simulated which is a computer bigger than the universe itself which would be impossible to build. So yes we can be in a computer simulation but if we are then it still logically follows that we are in Gods mind since a mind doesn’t face these problems. 

Objection 2: Saying there is an infinite number of simulations in Gods mind violates Occam’s razor 

Response: The argument does not depend on God simulating an infinite amount of universe rather it only relies on God having the ABILITY to simulate an infinite about of universes not him necessarily doing so. This is because computers always have limited storage space no madder how advanced a computer is but God is limitless and thus can simulate an infinite amount. 

Objection 3: The argument doesn’t work since I can say there is an infinite amount of real universes and thus the argument fails 

Response: The problem is that this violates Occam’s razor since now your actually proposing the idea there is an infinite amount of real universes rather than just saying something has the ability to make infinite universes. Saying there has to be a real mind-independent universe just because you can postulate infinite universes is circular reasoning and not an argument. 

Closing statement 

I’m not at all saying this argument proves theism but it makes it virtually (almost) inevitably true. This argument I believe is a very strong theistic idealism argument since it’s arguing for an idealist God rather than a dualist God. I may have objections to the argument that were not listed in this blog so in future blogs I will respond to any new objections that pop up. 

7 thoughts on “The infinite simulation argument for the existence of God.

  1. As much as I appreciate the genuine effort of the author to argue for theism (which is important), he assumes in P4 that God is omnipotent. He assumes the existence of God by presuming his omnipotence. If God is omnipotent, then the argument holds. But the issue is he never proves the omnipotence of God – this is assumed. Keep up the good work though, and never quit on defending the Gospel.


    • Thanks for your comment. I want to think you for pointing out the error in P4. Perhaps if I models P4 by saying “An omnipotent God is more advanced than the most advanced civilization” then it would assume an omnipotent God but rather that only an omnipotent God could simulate infinite universes and thus the premise would be valid.


    • I meant to say that I can modify the argument by saying “An omnipotent God is more advanced than the most advanced civilization” then it wouldn’t assume an omnipotent God but rather that only an omnipotent God could simulate infinite universes.

      I had to fix some grammar in my last comment


      • I disagree, the premise is fine. God, by His very nature is omnipotent, since God is a maximally great being. There cannot exist ‘God’ that isn’t omnipotent, as that would be contradictory to God’s nature. To postulate a non-omnipotent God would be like postulating a square circle.


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