The infinite simulation argument for the existence of God. (Update, Follow up and modified argument)

So ever since I published my infinite simulation argument I have been getting feedback from both atheist and Christians. The biggest and only objection I have seen besides the ones I addressed in the original blog was that P4 of the argument is question begging and I agree it does beg the question. So how do we fix this problem? Simple you modify the argument so it does not beg the question. So I will first present the original version of the argument then present the modified version of it.

The original infinite simulation argument

P1) Simulated universes outnumber real universes

P2) We are more likely in a simulated universe (1)

P3) The more advanced a civilization the more simulations it can run

C1: Therefore we are more likely being simulated in one of the most advanced civilizations (1),(2),(3)

P4) God is more advanced than the most advanced civilization (Because of Gods omnipotence) 

C2: Therefore we are most likely being simulated in Gods mind

The basic objection is that P4 begs the question by assuming God exist so now I will modify it to avoid the question begging problem.

The modified infinite simulation argument

P1) Simulated universes outnumber real universes

P2) We are more likely in a simulated universe (1)

P3) The more advanced a civilization the more simulations it can run

C1: Therefore we are more likely being simulated in one of the most advanced civilizations (1),(2),(3)

P4) An omnipotent God would be more advanced than the most advanced civilization

C2: Therefore we are most likely being simulated in Gods mind

So with modifying P4 we see that it’s not begging the question since its not assuming God just that an omnipotent God would be more advanced than the most advanced civilization this is because omnipotence is defined as all-powerful and so an omnipotent God would by definition be far more powerful than any advanced civilization. And so the issues we mentioned before would still apply. Like I said in the first blog

”Just to put this into perspective which is most likely out of these

a) Existing in the real world in 2017

b) Existing in one of the half dozen simulations of 2020

c) Existing in one of the 10,000,000 simulations of 2040

d) Existing in one of the 20,000,000,000 simulations of 2090

e) Existing in one of the 100,000,000,000,000 simulations of 2100

f) Existing in one of the 200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 simulations of 2500

g) Existing in one of the Centillion simulations of 3000

h) Existing in one of the infinite simulations in Gods mind

The most likely (and inevitable because of Gods ability to simulate an infinite amount of simulated universes) is option H that we are being simulated in the mind of God.”

And so the conclusion is inescapable unless if you want to hold to an infinitely improbable belief that God does not exist. So we can see why this new infinite simulation argument avoids the objections I mentioned and thus there is no rational reason to reject the conclusion.


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